“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world”

-Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Height Haters!!!!

I'm 5’8 and I LOVE high heels! Often times I hear other tall females talking about being too tall and avoiding high heels!!!  Most of my life I've been the tallest female around! When I was younger it bothered me but as I grew UP, I started to appreciate my height. I can often be seen wearing at least a 4 inch heel; towering over some of my friends.  I encourage every tall female to EMBRACE their height! 

Courtesy of www.Oprah.com

After visiting twitter (Follow me on Twitter)..many people are tweeting about tall girls in high heels:

Why Are you 8'4 @ the club! I Couldn't Dance With You if I Had A Beanstalk!!

 “Tall girls shouldn't wear such high heels”

“ Girls that are short can wear high heels and look good, but girls that are tall and wear high heels not attractive!":(

I have to strongly disagree with these Tweets! Nothing is unattractive about a tall confident women who wears high heels and it you’re a short man either GROW UP or learn to appreciate a tall PasSHOEnista!!! Shoes are made to be worn and I don’t discriminate. Nothings better than slipping your toes into the perfect stiletto!!!

I want to encourage all TALL FEMALES to embrace your height! Love who you are, height and all !!!

Kimora Lee is a perfect example of a tall PaSHOEnista that embraces her height and her heels!!!

Courtesy of  www.sheknows.com

“You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can do it in stilettos.”
― Kimora Lee Simmons

Embrace your height!!! And like Kimora says, " Hating someone will not make you an prettier! 


  1. My daughter is 5'10" and wears high heels and hangs out with tall people on her college campus. Comments like “watch out for the two skyscrapers!” are common. This semester she is studying in Japan and everyone thinks she is a model or actress --- she's loving it!

    1. It's so good to know that some cultures except and embrace height! She definitely is model height; I hope she pursues all her dream :)

  2. I love your Kimora Lee quote. My wedding is in 4 months and I'm still trying to figure out what shoes I should wear. It's a small wedding with about 40 people and I keep telling myself that I don't need to wear heels even though I love them! Also, my fiance is only a few inches taller than me so I don't want to tower over him. I have been debating getting some ballet flats from unforgettablemoments.com that are dyed to match my maid of honors dress. I'm so torn because I don't want to be taller in all the pictures!!

    1. I know exactly how you feel! I am getting married in September and my fiancé is only an inch taller than me! I'm learning to adapt to being taller than him since I love heels!!! I am also struggling with being taller than him in my wedding pictures as well :). I was thinking about wearing my heels in the pictures with my bridesmaids and any pictures that aren't couple pictures. For the ceremony, I think I am going to were ballet flats like you stated :) I embrace my height but hey, sometimes I still struggle :)

  3. The problem for me is that by embracing heels I am also embracing ostracism on a grand scale. Basically I have learnt that people will avoid me if I "embrace me height" which has had big consequences for my kids in the past as women dont what my children around their children because there mum as a "model" like appearance. I need flats and a hunch so that my children can foster friendships - this is in the majority of cases unfortunately. In 7 years of schooling I have met only three mums who dont have a problem with my physique
