“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world”

-Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reaching People All Around the World...One Step @ A Time !!!

Courtesy of TOMS.com

I first learned about TOMS from my younger "Fashion Diva" cousin a few years ago. @ first I have to admit, I didn't see anything special about the fashion appearance of the classic TOMS shoe but as I did a little more research, I was drawn to the company by their mission and purpose. TOMS has helped provide over 1 Million people brand new shoes to needy children!

This is short of amazing!!!TOMS motto is "One for One". Each time someone purchases a pair of shoes from TOMS a child in need receives a pair of shoes! Talk about a 2 for 1 deal!!! I am PasSHOEnate about giving back to the community and what better way to give back than with SHOES!!! I admire their brand for reaching out and trying something new.
Courtesy of TOMS.COM
Shoe's not only cure the blues but that can help someone in need.
On April 2011, TOMS started an initiative called One Day Without Shoes. According to TOMS there are million of children in need of shoes to protect them from various soil based dieases. Not only do the shoes protect them from diseases but also it allow children to go to school because shoes are a requirement!

"In Africa, there is a desperate need for footwear that will protect from highly prevalent neglected tropical diseases transmitted through the soil" ~ Dr. Peter Hotez, MD, PHD
Courtesy of TOMS.com

These shoes are really cute. I plan to purchase these very soon. Please join with me and make a difference one step @ a time :)

❤ Until next time, Love, Life, & Shoes ❤

To read more about TOMS Giving Initative vist TOMS.com or read the Report


  1. Love Tom's! what a great concept for a company!

  2. This is so much better than people collecting a "cup of coffee" amount a day. This is more lasting, have a bigger impact, and the kids and people can actually see and feel the gift. Nice blog!

  3. I remember when I first saw a commercial for Toms. It was before they became popular and before they were sold at stores with bigger names. I didn't know if the commercial was being serious or not! It was such a new idea and I wondered how a company could survive by donating a pair 1 for 1. I think it's great that the company was based off of this! A good friend of mine got married last summer and had the entire wedding party wear Toms, including her white pair. It's a great feeling to give back :)
